Julia pust, born in 1969 near hamburg.

creative experimentation and the search for new outlets of expression for her creativity have accompanied julia ever since early childhood. at the age of nine she discovered photography, at twelve dancing and at sixtheen painting, fashion and fabric design.

after graduating from high school and engaging in photographic travel and internships in museums, Julia immersed herself in cultural studies from 1991-1996. she majored in fine arts/photography and minored in literature, psychology and philosophy.

along with her studies she trained as a hat designer in 1992. designing sculptures for the head became a further outlet for expressing her creativity.

then in 1994 her son pablo milan was born and the experience of birth and motherhood flowed into her work.

from 1993 to 2020 she collaborated with a wide variety of artists and designers, and between 2001 and 2012 she ran her own shop gallery in hamburg.




from 2012 until today she has taken part in various artistic projects and participated in international art awards and exhibitions in zurich, luxemburg, mallorca, new york, Basel, madrid and monaco.

she lives and creates in hamburg.


Contact: kunsttempel@web.de   /   phone: 0176/41516853